Monday, October 26, 2009


Welcome to Hell, aka planet Pandora, population: pissed off. RPG shooting at its best is on display in this game. Variety is the name of the game in Borderlands as weapon design was placed on a high budget at Gearbox. It seriously seems as if no 2 weapons are alike. Character variety is also in high gear as you have the choice of 4 characters to rampage around town with as well as mingle with the semi-decent folk of the land. Your job is too find and unlock The Vault, a hidden treasure that contains invaluable riches and weapons for you to claim. While being spoon fed tidbits of information by a digital ghost woman who shows up on your view screen from time to time.
Playing single player campaign is fun, especially for a game centered around you playing with 1,2 or 3 other friends laying waste to the crazies by foot or rocket shooting car. The amount of missions and space to explore in Borderlands is vast especially for 4 people to explore. This is a good balance and allows for everyone to get their fair share of whatever comes out of raiding a psychos treehouse inside of a crystal cave. Yes, people are crazy on this planet too, there truly is no escape.
The level up system is true to your expertise at shooting with whatever weapons you choose to stick with, as it is not always easy to reach a certain level to use an awesome weapon. Enemies also have levels as well and may have a better weapon then you; there also may be a lot of them; one may be bigger then the rest of them; then one lobs a grenade. RESPAWN! Luckly respawning does not take too much time, but it does begin cost you after a few times, I once had to pay over $6000 dollars for a new me.
Now onto the important life altering, universe understanding stuff. It is wonderful a company was able to make this type of game so well. But I am still falling into the idea that the mass exploration of maps, finding new weapons that do whatever and following a story that actually is not that good as something EVERYONE has done. PLEASE STOP THIS! THAT'S RIGHT I AM CALLING YOU OUT DESIGNERS, WRITERS AND ALL THOSE THAT CREATE MY ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ENTERTAINMENT! Do not get me wrong though, I like to have fun with my friends online, but that will get old soon too. But this game has captured something very important about how to keep me and a great many other interested, variety is the key.